The New Dr Seuss Book JanetJuly 28, 2015adopt a pet, Dr- Seuss, KXL10 Morning Show, pets and families, young readersComment
Multi-Tasking: Do we ask too much of boys? JanetJuly 23, 2015mutli-tasking, puberty, Raising Boys, skill learningComment
Rules are Meant to Be Broken Family LifeJanetJuly 23, 2015arbitrary rules, creating rules, lessons, rulesComment
When You Don't Like Your Child Family LifeJanetJuly 21, 2015child behavior, coaching, liking your child, self-careComment
Boy Talk #1: He Isn't Reading Yet JanetJuly 16, 2015boy friendly reading, boy friendly reading materials, getting boys to read, reading, reading ability, reading ages, reading interest, reading levelsComment
So Many Ways to Play Family LifeJanetJuly 9, 2015active play, child play, imaginative play, narrative play, playComment
My Family Hunts Fathering, Gun PlayJanetJuly 2, 2015gun fascination, Gun Play, hunter safety, huntingComment
Pot is Legal (in Oregon) JanetJune 30, 2015KXL 101 Morning Show, legalized marijuana, marijuana, pot, second hand smoke, talking to your childComment
Should You Let Them Quit? JanetJune 23, 2015childhood regrets, commitment, KXL 101 Morning Show, quitting, teamsComment
Guidelines for Gun Play Gun PlayJanetJune 11, 2015child's weapon, Gun Play, imagination, play, rulesComment
Home Alone Family LifeJanetJune 9, 2015home alone, KXL 101 Morning Show, travel alone, unaccompanied minorsComment
Voices on Gun Play Gun PlayJanetJune 4, 2015child's weapons, Gun Play, parenting, parenting boys, Raising BoysComment
Aggression. Violence. What's the Difference? Gun PlayJanetMay 26, 2015aggressive boys, boys, Gun Play, managing anger, parenting boys, Raising BoysComment
Father's Day FatheringJanetMay 26, 2015being a dad, being a father, boys, family, father relationships, Fathering, Gun Play, parenting, Raising BoysComment
Picky Eaters Family LifeJanetMay 26, 2015eating, eating healthy, feeding child, KXL 101 Morning Show, picky eaterComment
Equal Parenting is Best for the Kids JanetMay 19, 2015equal parenting, father-son relationship, KXL 101 Morning Show, mother-son relationship, parenting, parenting after divorceComment
Kids and Nature Family LifeJanetMay 12, 2015nature, outdoor exploring, outdoor learning, outdoor play, outdoor schoolingComment
Mother's Day - Joy and Grief Grief and Loss, MotheringJanetMay 4, 2015grief, joy, KXL10 Morning Show, mother-son relationship, Mother's Day, mothering Comment
Lazy Parenting Means Doing LESS Family Life, Fathering, MotheringJanetApril 8, 2015children at home, parentingComment