Meet Janet Allison
Mom, Educator, Family Coach, Author, Speaker, Co-Host of the ON BOYS Parenting Podcast, “Boys & Anger” Expert, and Boy-Champion.
With more than 20 years experience - coaching parents, mentoring teachers, and being the featured parenting expert on both radio and TV, Janet loves empowering parents and teachers with proven tools and strategies to raise boys to be confident, caring and capable men.
She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from the University of Maine, and has completed extensive training in Waldorf Education and NLP (Neuro-linguistic Communication Skills).
How Boys Alive! Began (in Janet’s words)
While raising two daughters, I began teaching in a Waldorf school in southern Oregon. My very first class consisted of 10 boys and 2 girls. The boys taught me way more than I taught them! They were active and impulsive and seemed to have their own agenda, quickly overwhelming my best intentions to teach! Their emotions were big and loud and no matter what I seemed to do, angry outbursts were a common and frequent occurrence. I wondered - was it me, their parents, or the boys themselves who were the problem?
That said, I was determined to solve the puzzle these boys presented and discover how they tick.
Now, after more than two decades of research, working with parents and educators, and collaborating with boy experts worldwide, I can tell you that the boys are definitely not the problem.
Instead, the problem is social and cultural:
It is in the way schools and other systems are built on expectations that don’t fit boys’ nature.
It is the prominence of female teachers and caregivers who, understandably, don’t have an inherent understanding of boys.
These boys, like boys everywhere, were bumping up against a school culture that required and rewarded behavior that was simply not aligned with the way most boys learn.
Parents and teachers today are also confused about the mixed messages surrounding boys and feel underprepared to support boys and the challenges they face.
You’re probably here because you’re experiencing the same confusion.
I’m here to assure you that it is possible to understand your boy, change what isn’t working for him, and build the safe and secure connection with him that he needs to thrive.
Life as a parent of a boy can be challenging and confusing, and there’s a lot of information out there. But you don’t have to go it alone.
Parenting your boy can and should be jubilant and rewarding, and Boys Alive! will get you there. As your coach, guide, and mentor, I will show you how to create spaces where it’s OK for your boy to be a boy.
Find out what makes him tick.
You aren’t alone.
There is hope for you.
When you better understand your boy, his challenges and his opportunities—you’ll experience new and better possibilities for you & your family and learn more about yourself along the way.
If you think I might be the right person to help you from here, visit the WORK WITH ME page.
Championing you and your boy(s),