Pot is Legal (in Oregon) JanetJune 30, 2015KXL 101 Morning Show, legalized marijuana, marijuana, pot, second hand smoke, talking to your childComment
Should You Let Them Quit? JanetJune 23, 2015childhood regrets, commitment, KXL 101 Morning Show, quitting, teamsComment
Home Alone Family LifeJanetJune 9, 2015home alone, KXL 101 Morning Show, travel alone, unaccompanied minorsComment
Picky Eaters Family LifeJanetMay 26, 2015eating, eating healthy, feeding child, KXL 101 Morning Show, picky eaterComment
Equal Parenting is Best for the Kids JanetMay 19, 2015equal parenting, father-son relationship, KXL 101 Morning Show, mother-son relationship, parenting, parenting after divorceComment