ON BOYS Bonus Podcast - Coping with Coronavirus
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How are you coping with coronavirus?
Our lives have undergone some pretty massive disruptions over the past few weeks, and it looks like more changes may be on the horizon. We’ll all learning new ways of connecting and communicating — and we’re all a bit scared and overwhelmed.
That’s why we recorded & released this special bonus episode. It’s packed full of practical advice and inspiration.
Links we mentioned (or should have) in this episode:
ZOOM Video Conferencing – We use ZOOM to record our podcast. You can use it to connect with your friends and loved ones too. It’s FREE for calls under 40 minutes. Use our affiliate link to sign up today.
http://boysalive.as.me — Sign up for a Breakthrough Session or Parent Coaching with Janet
This is Post #2:: Coping with Coronavirus