An Opportunity to Connect and Re-Set - Will you take it?
"What a wonderful opportunity!"
You may NOT have schools, libraries, and stores close around you.
So much uncharted territory ahead of us...
The only thing actually IN your control is...
Will you make this an opportunity to connect and reset?
(NOT saying it'll be easy).
Taking the OPPORTUNITY TO RESET can look like this:
-Reset your relationships (slowing down to just be together)
-Reset your connection to food (prep at home, try a new recipe)
-Reset your nervous system (more quiet time, more sleep)
-Reset your connection to nature (take a longer walk, stare at the sky)
-Reset your pace (again, slow down - read that extra book to the kids)
RIGHT NOW it might still feel like a long weekend... and the week(s) ahead will certainly have their ups and get to choose how to respond.
And sometimes that is really tough to do on your own but YOU ARE NOT ALONE!
Here's two options to connect:
1. Join the Boys Alive! Facebook group for mutual support.
2. Book a Breakthrough Session call with me via this link - (I'm waiving the fee for now).
Most impactful thing I've heard from the flood of media:
From Graham Medley, Professor of Infectious Disease Modeling, "People shouldn't act like someone who is avoiding contracting the virus but rather as someone who already has the virus and is trying not to pass it onto others."
LOVE STEADY, MY FRIENDS, LOVE STEADY - for yourself and others.
Click reply to this email and let me know what you're going to RESET!
THIS TIME WILL CHANGE US FOREVER - how will you respond?
You've got this!
I love you,
P.S. If you're struggling with any aspect of this, reply to this email - I'm here.