Parent Choices for Struggling Teens host interviews Janet Allison



Parent Choices for Struggling Teens, is an information hub about the many schools and programs available for troubled and struggling teens. The news and articles within the site provide a valuable resource for both parents and professionals who are helping troubled teens find successful paths to adulthood.

Struggling Teens host Lon Woodbury

interviews Janet on the Parent Choices Radio Show as she explains some of the over 100 differences between the male and female brain, and specifically on today's show, she shares about today's boys and what is happening in our schools in light of these new findings.This 48 minute interview concludes, "With such a strong belief in communication techniques, a deeper understanding of our boys and the building of stronger parent child relationships, Janet's hopes and goals are that "every one of us can see each other from this foundation of our genders and see the differences and embrace each other." Listen to the full interview HERE.


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