On The Days I Don't Want to Be 'Conscious'

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Guest Post by my friend and colleague Heather Chauvin, of Mom is in Control.

Heather recently wrote about coming home to a quiet house (she has 3 boys) and MAKING A CONSCIOUS DECISION about what to do next... 

I walked into the house after dropping all three kids off at their Grandparents for Taco Tuesday.

This is the night where my husband and I get 3 hours of ‘hello’ time. Where we can have a conversation in our home without interruptions. Eat dinner in silence.

I had 60 minutes until my husband got home.

My mind automatically wanted to lay down, but not because I was tired.

Sleep is my ‘go to’ place. It has been since I was a teen, just as facebook or pinterest might be yours. Our mind's way of ‘distracting’ us from how we really want to feel.

I had a choice. I could feel it.

I stopped and asked myself, “Heather, how do you want to feel?”

I live my life in alignment with how I want to feel.

I parent in alignment with how I want to feel (and how I would want to feel as a child).

And taking a nap for me on that day was NOT in alignment with my highest good. So I said no to the nap.

I turned on some music.

I put some of my favorite oils in my diffuser.

I made myself a warm cup of tea and I journaled.

I put on some running shoes and I went for a short run.

I made a choice. I said NO to my Go To place.

I took my power back.

I felt in control.

The tempting place inside all of us that tries so hard to keep us safe (and small).

The silent whisper that can be felt on a cellular level.

Stop listening to THAT voice and start listening to your TRUTH.

I’m writing today to SHOW you change is possible.

And you might not know where to start and that’s OK.

It’s not about rush, rush, rushing to this appointment and that appointment.

It’s about FIRST getting clear on the life you actually WANT to live.

The parent you WANT to be.

Once you’re clear on what you want, then you can take action towards that life.

You can get the APPROPRIATE support that you need in order to become that person for yourself and your child.

The only things getting in the way of the person you want to become and the life you’re living now -- is your ability to make a choice.

Choose to take one small step in the direction of how you want to feel.


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